AI智能抠像软件 Topaz Mask AI 1.0.3 WIN破解版免费下载

Topaz Mask AI 1.0.3破解版是一款智能东西,可让您运用AI技术的健旺功用快速而精确地创建面具。 与Photoshop比较,Mask AI不需求繁琐的笔刷就能获得高质量的蒙版。 无需学习凌乱的图标和东西。 运用Mask AI,您只需求用蓝色大致勾勒出方针归纳,一键填充您想要剪切的内容,一键填充您想要保存的内容,然后按“核算蒙版”。 真的就是这么简略。 我们的神经网络已经过训练,可以区分出安靖的边缘,因此您可以在初度查验时获得超卓的遮罩。


AI智能抠像软件 Topaz Mask AI 1.0.3 WIN破解版免费下载插图

每当作业流程中需求遮罩时,尤其是具有挑战性和详细的遮罩时,都应运用Mask AI。 在Photoshop中制造出精巧的图片或许会很痛苦,并且或许需求一整天的时间。 Mask AI直观的颜色编码系统将其简化为四个简略进程:保存,剪切,核算和替换。

  • 自动Trimap:我们一起的Trimap技术为您供应了一种使程序知道要遮罩的快速办法。图像上已经有绿色的叠加层,以指示您要保存的内容。用蓝色勾勒出要核算的主题,然后运用赤色填充颜料桶指示要隐秘的区域。在许多情况下,该程序会自动检测您的主题并创建自动Trimap。
  • 遮罩办法-AI和对比度:AI是用于更凌乱的遮罩任务(如树木,头发,毛皮或任何包含许多细节的图像)的志向办法。此办法会稍微慢一些。关于布景更简略的主体,“对比度”办法可以结束作业并为您供应更快的烘托。
  • 精粹:用于创建Trimap的相同东西将帮助您精粹蒙版!赤色的笔刷将帮助您消除区域,绿色的笔刷将帮助您在要保存的区域刷回,而蓝色的核算笔刷将再次核算特定的区域。精粹时,您可以再一次做出合理的选择吊销选中“运用更改自动更新蒙版”,并在每次笔划后都无需核算程序的情况下进行笔划。结束细化笔触后,您可以再一次做出合理的选择“更新蒙版”。这纯粹是用户首选项,因此您可以再一次做出合理的选择适合您作业流程的内容。软件破解办法

AI智能抠像软件 Topaz Mask AI 1.0.3 WIN破解版免费下载插图1


- Windows 7 x64
- Windows 8/8.1 x64
- Windows 10 x64

Hardware Requirements:
- System RAM: 8GB / 16GB recommended
- GPU VRAM: 2GB / 4GB recommended


1,双击Topaz Mask AI.exe,选择软件设备目录设备软件







AI智能抠像软件 Topaz Mask AI 1.0.3 WIN破解版免费下载



AI智能抠像软件 Topaz Mask AI 1.0.3 WIN破解版免费下载


AI智能抠像软件 Topaz Mask AI 1.0.3 WIN破解版免费下载


AI智能抠像软件 Topaz Mask AI 1.0.3 WIN破解版免费下载


结束颜色映射后,单击“核算蒙版”,然后让Mask AI进行作业。


How We’ve Simplified Masking
Compared to Photoshop, Mask AI doesn’t need tedious brushwork to get a high-quality mask. And there’s no need to learn complicated icons and tools. With Mask AI you only need to roughly outline your subject in blue, one click fills what you want to cut, one click fills what you want to keep, and press “Compute Mask”. It’s really that simple. Our neural network has been trained to distinguish tough edges, so you can get a great mask on the first attempt.

Masking Made Simple For Every Type of Photo
Mask AI incorporates machine learning for a more accurate mask with less refining required!

Mask AI's Unique Trimap Technology
It can be a pain to make a good cut-out in Photoshop, and it can take up an entire day’s work. Mask AI’s intuitive color-coded system reduces it to 4 simple steps: keep, cut, compute, and replace.

Brush to compute.
Simply paint a blue line around the edges of what you’d like to compute. The best part is, you don’t have to be perfect — just keep a little bit of the subject and the immediate area you’d like to mask inside of it. Our technology will do the heavy lifting.

Brush to refine
Our smart brushes (Cut, Keep, and Compute) utilize our technology and enable you to make clean and accurate refinements without the pressure of painting perfectly. Our machines will make the decisions for you and speed up your workflow!

Slide to perfect.
Use the post-processing sliders to perfect your mask quickly. The Edge Softness slider comes in handy if you want to add more sharpness to a rocky landscape, or perhaps soften the edges for a portrait.

The Edge Softness slider
Comes in handy if you want to add more sharpness to a rocky landscape, or perhaps soften the edges for a portrait.

The Edge Shift slider
Shifts the mask edge in either direction.

The Foreground Recovery slider
Revives the color of your foreground in weaker or more transparent areas. This can be a great tool for fur, whiskers, or wispy hair.

The Defringe slider
Desaturates the edges of your mask to help with color contamination and bleeding.

Replace the background to finish.
Being a great photographer requires a lot of techniques and tools at your disposal. You’ve planned and executed with military precision to get the shot. But when nature gives you a less than perfect sky or an undesirable background, Mask AI’s background replacement lets you take back control of your work.

Tricky Masks Made Easy With Mask AI
Flyaway hair. Feathers. Fur. Willowy trees. There will always be complex masking tasks, but with Mask AI’s machine learning technology, you’ll never have to agonize over the details. Our application will do the heavy lifting!
- Initial Release.
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