全球最完整的用于高端可视化和制作的 3D 渲染程序。V-Ray for 3ds Max 是一款经过生产验证的渲染软件。它以多功能性和处理任何类型的项目的能力而闻名——从拥有数千盏灯的大型动态场景到精美的静物——它是 3D 行业艺术家和设计师的首选解决方案。V-Ray V7 通过尖端技术加速创作,并以前所未有的轻松方式为您的客户提供身临其境的体验。探索全新选项,实现完全的创作控制,同时最大限度地减少在第三方应用程序中重新修饰和实例化的需要。借助增强的渲染就绪资产和更逼真的人工和自然照明新选项,现在可以轻松让您的场景栩栩如生。渲染速度更快、效率更高,且不会牺牲质量 — 还有更多。
Accelerate creation through cutting-edge technology and deliver immersive experiences to your clients with greater ease than ever before. Explore new options for complete creative control while minimizing the need for re-touching and instancing in third-party applications. Bringing your scenes to life is now effortless with enhanced render-ready assets and new options for more realistic artificial and natural lighting. Render faster and more efficiently without sacrificing quality—and much more.
支持Win系统:3DS MAX 2020/2021/2022/2023/2024/2025