Luts视频预设-明亮通风的婚礼简洁风调色滤镜Bright & Airy LUTs for Video and Photo

Luts视频预设-明亮通风的视频和照片Bright & Airy LUTs for Video and Photo是由幕后网上传素材并提供luts视频调色预设滤镜素材下载服务,调色预设支持AE,PR,达芬奇等视频编辑软件,喜欢当前Luts预设滤镜素材的就抓紧下载吧!

Luts视频预设-明亮通风的婚礼简洁风调色滤镜Bright & Airy LUTs for Video and Photo插图关键词:电影,明亮,通风,预设,lut,迷你,婚礼,新娘,博客,photoshop,最终切割,Premrepro,过滤器,博主,创意
别名:Bright & Airy LUTs for Video and Photo

Bright & Airy - LUTs Pack for Video and Photo color grading

The collection of Bright & Airy look-up-tables (LUTs) for wide range footage styles - stylish Instagram feed, weddings, lifestyle, fashion, and travel shots. This collection is a perfect choice for adding bright and airy feels with smooth highlights and a slightly minimalistic bright mood you will love to see on your shots!

Have fun color grading!

In many instances, you will be able to get a great result in an instant. However, you can always make adjustments, increase/decrease intensity, adjust contrast, etc. to suit individual video clips & photos.


The LUTs are in .cube format and work with most of the video and photo editing programs such as Final Cut, Premiere Pro, Photoshop, After Effects, DaVinci Resolve, Sony Vegas, etc.

You'll receive 5 .cube files (LUTs) and an Instructions text file



Luts视频预设-明亮通风的婚礼简洁风调色滤镜Bright & Airy LUTs for Video and Photo插图1
Luts视频预设-明亮通风的婚礼简洁风调色滤镜Bright & Airy LUTs for Video and Photo插图1


第一步:将预设导入AE安装目录下对应的文件夹,如下图: 第二步:AE调用Luts预设步骤 AE版本需要CS6或者更高版本,找到如下AE自带的插件: 中文版:效果-实用工具-应用颜色LUT 将插件拖到你的视频上,然后就可以在弹出窗口选择需要的lut预设了,可以通过Choose LUT( 选择LUT来切…
Luts视频预设-明亮通风的婚礼简洁风调色滤镜Bright & Airy LUTs for Video and Photo插图2
Luts视频预设-明亮通风的婚礼简洁风调色滤镜Bright & Airy LUTs for Video and Photo插图2


Premiere CC 2015-CC2017(推荐),以2015为例: 将预设放到Pr安装目录如下位置: Win系统:Program Files/Adobe/ Adobe Premiere CC 2015/ Lumetri/LUTs/Technical Mac苹果系统:应用程序/Adobe Pre…
Luts视频预设-明亮通风的婚礼简洁风调色滤镜Bright & Airy LUTs for Video and Photo插图3
Luts视频预设-明亮通风的婚礼简洁风调色滤镜Bright & Airy LUTs for Video and Photo插图3

【达芬奇预设安装】DaVinci Resolve调色Luts预设安装步骤

首先要找到达芬奇Luts预设存放的文件夹,方法如下,打开达芬奇,项目设置,色彩管理(Look Up Tabls),打开LUT文件夹,然后把LUT预设拷贝文件夹后更新列表皆可 更新列表后,在素材上右键,就可以看到3D LUT-对应Lut预设文件夹,直接应用即可 如何修改预设的浓度? 1.新建一个节点,…
Luts视频预设-明亮通风的婚礼简洁风调色滤镜Bright & Airy LUTs for Video and Photo插图4
Luts视频预设-明亮通风的婚礼简洁风调色滤镜Bright & Airy LUTs for Video and Photo插图4


1.先下载安装LUT Utility for FCP X插件 2.FCPX导入预设教程
Luts视频预设-明亮通风的婚礼简洁风调色滤镜Bright & Airy LUTs for Video and Photo插图5
Luts视频预设-明亮通风的婚礼简洁风调色滤镜Bright & Airy LUTs for Video and Photo插图5

【PS调色预设安装】PS/ACR预设文件.xmp怎么导入Photoshop/Camera RAW+使用教程

WIN安装教程: MAC安装教程: MAC终端运行代码:ln -s ~/Library/ ~/资源库
Luts视频预设-明亮通风的婚礼简洁风调色滤镜Bright & Airy LUTs for Video and Photo插图6
Luts视频预设-明亮通风的婚礼简洁风调色滤镜Bright & Airy LUTs for Video and Photo插图6


写在前面 Lightroom预设是什么?在LR中,预设是用户对某一张图片进行色调、风格进行调整后,将这张图片调整的参数保存下来,以便对其他图片进行批量修改。 1.预设使用一定要微调,因为每张片子都不一样。预设只能定大调,细节还是需要自己来调整。 2.刚接触后期的亲们,请一定选择合适的预设来使用哦,风…
Luts视频预设-明亮通风的婚礼简洁风调色滤镜Bright & Airy LUTs for Video and Photo插图7
Luts视频预设-明亮通风的婚礼简洁风调色滤镜Bright & Airy LUTs for Video and Photo插图7


整体思路 1.首先我们需要将手机LR预设下载到手机上,或者用电脑下载,再传到手机上,这个就不用多说了吧~ 2.下载到手机后,最好将.dng图片(手机LR预设就是dng图片)剪切到相册里去,更方便安装,因为以前的老版本的手机LR软件只能读取到相册,新版的可以读取其他目录了。 3.打开手机LR,点击右下…

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Luts视频预设-明亮通风的婚礼简洁风调色滤镜Bright & Airy LUTs for Video and Photo插图9

Luts视频预设-明亮通风的婚礼简洁风调色滤镜Bright & Airy LUTs for Video and Photo插图10

Luts视频预设-明亮通风的婚礼简洁风调色滤镜Bright & Airy LUTs for Video and Photo插图11

Luts视频预设-明亮通风的婚礼简洁风调色滤镜Bright & Airy LUTs for Video and Photo插图12

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Luts视频预设-明亮通风的婚礼简洁风调色滤镜Bright & Airy LUTs for Video and Photo插图16

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Luts视频预设-明亮通风的婚礼简洁风调色滤镜Bright & Airy LUTs for Video and Photo插图18

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