难度:高级| 1h 32m| 971 MB | 附带项目文件| 使用的软件:Photoshop
- 编号:Animate Anything in Photoshop
- 视频教程大小:971 MB
时长:1h 32m | 9 课 |视频:1280x720,44kHz | 971 MB
类型:在线学习 |语言:英语 |级别:中级
有没有想过在 Photoshop 中创建综合动画是什么感觉?
您是否已经是 Photoshop 鉴赏家,注意到其惊人的创造力,并爱上了它呈现令人瞠目结舌的设计和插图的无限潜力?您是否曾经幻想过能够发挥所有创造性潜力并无缝地为其制作动画,而无需退出程序?可能不会,而且大多数人会认为你甚至尝试都疯了。但猜猜怎么了? Photoshop 是一个了不起的动画工具,只需稍加调整即可解锁其全部功能。
使用快捷方式和动作让 Photoshop 真正适合您作为动画工具
这是为已经熟悉 Photoshop 的任何人开设的课程。您可以使用旧版本的 Photoshop 来参加这个课程(CS6 扩展版也可以),直到最新版本。绘图板会很有用,但不是必需的。因此,迈出这一步,解锁您一直试图摆脱但没有意识到您需要的所有工具已经在您手中的动画师!
Duration: 1h 32m | 9 Lessons | Video: 1280x720, 44kHz | 971 MB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Level: Intermediate
Ever wondered what it might be like to create comprehensive animations in Photoshop?
Are you already a Photoshop connoisseur, mindful of its amazing creative power, in love with its seemingly limitless potential to render jaw dropping designs & illustrations? Have you ever fantasized about being able to take all that creative potential and seamlessly animate it without having to step outside the program? Probably not and most people will think you are crazy to even try. But guess what? Photoshop is an amazing animation tool which just needs a little tweaking to unlock its full capabilities.
In this class I’ll be showing how to create a simple frame by frame animation using three distinctive methods. This will give you a really good overview of just what you might be capable of once you get to grips with all the tools.
During this class you will also learn about:
Using shortcuts and actions to make Photoshop really work for you as an animation tool
Using keyframes
How to animate masks, layer styles & adjustment layers
Adding noisy texture and stylization
Different ways to export your animation to video
This is a class for anyone who already knows their way around Photoshop. You can use older versions of Photoshop to participate in this class (CS6 extended will work) right through to the latest versions. A drawing tablet would be useful but not essential. So take this step and unlock the Animator in you that’s been trying to get out but didn’t realize all the tools you need are already in your hands!
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