Altium Designer是由Altium公司推出的一款功能强大的专业的整的端到端电子印刷电路板设计环境,适用于电子印刷电路板设计。可以编辑原理图并在同一软件应用程序中布置印刷电路板。您还可以在同一环境中创建组件,配置各种输出文件,甚至可以打开ASCII输出。新版带来了大量实用更新和增强,如全新的PCB布线及增强技术、动态铺铜、自动交叉搜索等等。从构思到制造,通过Altium Designer可加快推动PCB设计流程,在Altium Designer中设计印刷电路板,你只需9个组件即可快速轻松地快速跟踪整个设计过程。Altium Designer使您能够利用最高效,最协作的PCB设计环境将您的想法变为现实。 从用于助听器的小型可折叠刚性柔性板到大型20层高速网络路由器。
Altium Designer 20次升级了新的PCB连接绘图选项,新的选项在“查看配置”的对话框中已经执行,以便于“在单层模式中显示所有连接”以及“为连接图显示层级颜色”。对于Lattice Diamond软件的支持,Lattice的iostandard约束也得到了改善和正确映射。改进包括在STEP文件中输出的变化,以便为板级部分使用“组件后缀”选项,并且在PCB IDF导出实用程序时,当检测到一个空元件注释时,会发出警告。
WIN系列系统:win7/win8/win10 (仅支持64位)
1、安装Altium Designer,完成后不要运行;
2、复制破解文件夹中的shfolder.dll到软件安装目录C:Program FilesAltiumAD20
3、启动Altium Designer,点击右上角头像图标,打开License Management,导入Licenses文件夹中的任意证书;
4、Altium Designer破解完成。
Altium公司最新的旗舰产品——Altium Designer 20可以帮助各位设计师提升工作效率、减缓设计压力,成功应对越来越复杂的电子设计。
Altium的开发团队很高兴地宣布为Altium Designer第20次升级发布,这次更新集中在Altium Designer的额外增强,以下列举了其中几个亮点,希望对您有所帮助:
对于Lattice Diamond软件的支持:
Lattice Diamond是Altium针对Lattice的 FPGA设计。此外, Lattice的iostandard约束也得到了改善和正确映射。
改进包括在STEP文件中输出的变化,以便为板级部分使用“组件后缀”选项,并且在PCB IDF导出实用程序时,当检测到一个空元件注释时,会发出警告。
无论您是否安装了Adobe Reader,Altium Designer 现在都将运用系统默认的PDF阅读器。
Altium Designer represents decades of innovation and development focused on creating a truly unified design environment — One that enables users to effortlessly connect with every facet of the PCB design process.
With features that have pioneered change and an ever-growing community of users, advocates, educators, and experts, Altium Designer is truly transforming the industry and pushing the boundaries of what's possible.
Experience the world's finest PCB design product for yourself and see why more Engineers and Designers choose Altium than any other product available!
Feature Playlists
Discover key features in Altium Designer by exploring our collection of video playlists. Learn how to leverage specific features by viewing our short video demonstrations — you can watch our predefined feature playlists or create your own.
Design Environment
Significantly improve productivity with all aspects of the design process interconnected, including schematic, PCB, documentation and simulation.
Fabrication & Assembly Drawings
Learn how to best use Draftsman in Altium Designer
Rigid-Flex Design
Design rigid-flex in full 3D and confirm that the 3D component, case assembly and PCB clearances meet all mechanical requirements.
Schematic Design
Design top-tier electronics faster and more efficiently with hierarchical schematic and design reuse in one cohesive, easy-to-navigate user interface.
Altium Designer® 20 What’s New
Take a glimpse at some of the new functionality you will see in Altium Designer 20. Preview powerful new features, tools, and enhancements to existing technologies in this exciting new installment.
Design for Manufacturing
Learn and apply Design for Manufacturing (DFM) methodology to ensure your PCB designs are functional, reliable and manufacturable - every time.
Switching is Easy
Easily migrate your legacy information with the most powerful translation tools in the industry — without which our growth wouldn’t be possible.
PCB Design
Easily maneuver objects on the board layout with controlled component placement and complete synchronization between schematic and PCB.
Manufacturing Outputs
Experience the elegance of managing your data and preparing it for release with seamless, streamlined documentation capabilities.