软件HDR Light Studio是为3D艺术家提供的一款专业级HUR高动态范围3D渲染制作软件。用灯光渲染你的镜头, 照明过程现在变得简单,快速,精确,富有创意且令人愉悦。 HDR Light Studio可构建现有3D软件和渲染器使用的照明。 可以提高工作效率,提高图像质量。
Today, Lightmap announced the immediate availability of HDR Light Studio version 5.3. This new release adds ‘Area Lights’ to its feature set, allowing users to interactively create and control both a HDRI Map and a set of Area Lights, with the same ‘artist friendly’ ease of use that has made HDR Light Studio a favourite lighting tool with professional 3D artists world-wide.