可调节人体模型允许您创建您能想到的任何角色。人体模型是绑定的,绑定包含多个滑块,可让您控制角色的各个部分,例如胸部、臀部、手臂、腿等。您还可以手动操作绑定以创建更多不同的角色。该人体模型使用非常简单的 IK 装备,您只需将手、脚和臀部拖到适当的位置,身体的其他部分就会随之而来。
The Adjustable Mannequin allows you to create any character you can think of. The mannequin is rigged and the rig contains multiple sliders that allows you to control various parts of the character, such as the breasts, hips, arms, legs etc. You can also manipulate the rig manually to create some more varied characters.
支持软件 Blender 4.0+