[WIN]D16 Group Lush 2 (传奇合成器) v2.0.0复刻版

LuSH-101 是 d16 Group 推出的 Roland SH-101 复刻插件,现在他们又推出了 2.0 版本。新的 LUSH-2 增加了新的振荡器、滤波器算法和调制矩阵,并对 CPU 效能进行了优化,让你可以尽情的叠加 Roland SH-101 的声音。[WIN]D16 Group Lush 2 (传奇合成器) v2.0.0复刻版插图

LUSH-2 是对传奇合成器 Roland SH-101 的再次复刻。你将得到 8 个具有 SH-101 风格且独立的音层,并使用模块化的方式进行工作,还包括一个琶音器和两个具有各种算法的插入式 FX 效果器可以使用。

每个音层都有一个可自由映射的 MIDI 通道,你也可以用一个 MIDI 通道播放所有的音层,从而创造出一个巨大的叠加声音。此外,该插件还具有键盘分区功能,允许你使用键盘的不同区域演奏不同的音层。据开发者称,新的 LUSH-2 具有新的振荡器和滤波器算法,有望在软件模拟中获得更好的质量和更多的细节。例如,振荡器将在没有伪像的情况下工作,甚至颤音或弯音数据也不会影响其质量。


此外,开发者还增加了一个先进的调制矩阵。据开发者说,你甚至可以把琶音器作为一个 MIDI 输出源。在 Mixer 部分,它为每个层提供自己的均衡器和压缩器,你可以很容易地将所有音层混合在一起,就像使用通道条/调音台一样。你还可以设置推子上的音量,以及三种发送效果,包括混响、延迟和合唱。

[WIN]D16 Group Lush 2 (传奇合成器) v2.0.0复刻版插图1

[WIN]D16 Group Lush 2 (传奇合成器) v2.0.0复刻版插图2

LUSH-2 将带有 1600 多个预设,包括一个新的、易于使用的音色库。d16 Group 表示新版本还增加了 CPU 的多线程支持,相信将会大大优化处理器的使用效率。

插件格式:VST2, VST3, AU 和 AAX,兼容 Mac(Apple Silicon)和 Windows 平台。

Team R2R | 21 Jun 2023 | 598.8MB

More than an 8-trick pony
Lush 2’s multilayer architecture gives you access to virtually limitless sound design possibilities and a wide spectrum of applications.

Super-convenient mixer
Bring it all together easily with a powerful built-in mixer: parametric EQ, compression and 3 send effects per layer!

The sound you’re looking for
Astonishing sound quality comes with over 1600 presets to let you easily find what you need.

Look and feel
Beautiful GUI with different themes and sizing to help you work in a way that suits you.

Get under the hood
Powerful, yet practical. An easy-to-tweak instrument that helps you find hit sounds in seconds, unleashing its and your maximum potential

Lush 2 isn’t based on just a single machine; it’s built from modules that can be found in many modern virtual synths, combined into one compact, logical layout. Don’t let its looks fool you: though it may look benign at first, its modular, multi-layer architecture takes it beyond simplistic poly-synths to the top shelf of extremely powerful, deeply programmable and devilishly versatile instruments in your arsenal. Suspiciously accurate sound is achieved only through experience: countless hours were spent analyzing classic analogue synthesizers, and then designing and implementing DSP algorithms with close attention to every component in the signal path – not just approximating its overall output. We deliver to you a synth built on oscillators of uncompromising quality, filters with an incredibly natural warmth and character, and best-in-class effects. On top of that, with all of the layers, multi-layer options, and routing capabilities the plugin offers – there’s no end to what you can do with just a single instance of Lush 2

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