难度:高级| 3h 33m| 2.14 GB | 附带项目文件| 使用的软件:Photoshop
- 编号:Adobe Photoshop CC – Complete Beginner Training Course
- 视频教程大小:2.14 GB
MP4 |视频:h264,1280x720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz
语言:英语 |大小:2.14 GB |时长:3h 33m
这个 Adobe Photoshop 初学者课程将教您如何像专业设计师一样使用 Photoshop
初学者开始 Photoshop 需要知道的所有基础知识
Photoshop 的历史
在 Photoshop 中创建新文档
在 Photoshop 中打开现有图像
Photoshop 的画布区域
Photoshop 的菜单栏
Photoshop 的工具栏或工具面板
Photoshop 的选项栏
Photoshop 的面板
Photoshop 的搜索栏
Photoshop 的工作区
Photoshop 中的文件菜单
Photoshop 中的“编辑”菜单
Photoshop 中的图像菜单
Photoshop 中的图层菜单
Photoshop 中的“选择”菜单
Photoshop 中的“文字”菜单
Photoshop 中的滤镜菜单
Photoshop 中的分析菜单
Photoshop 中的 3D 菜单
Photoshop 中的“视图”菜单
Photoshop 中的窗口菜单
Photoshop 中的“帮助”菜单
Photoshop 工具布局
Photoshop 中的移动和选择工具
Photoshop 中的裁剪和切片工具
Photoshop 中的测量工具
Photoshop 中的修饰和绘画工具
Photoshop 中的绘图和文字工具
Photoshop 中的导航工具
任何版本的 Adobe Photoshop,最好是 CC(Creative Cloud)版本。
不需要 Photoshop 的先验知识或经验
同学们好!我的名字是 Viktoria,我是自己从初级到高级学习 Photoshop 的。我开始学习 Photoshop 是在 6 年前,直到今天我还在继续学习它。这就是为什么我想与您分享我所拥有的知识和技能!
每个人都可以学习,然后作为专业设计师在 Photoshop 中工作。这比你想象的要容易!
我为什么开始学习 Photoshop?
当我决定开始我的第一个 YouTube 频道时。我正在为我的第一个视频创建第一个缩略图,我使用的程序是 Photoshop。这就是我开始学习Photoshop的方式。我仍然记得那一天,那对我来说是多么艰难。但我想像专业人士一样开始在 Photoshop 中工作并提高我的技能。这就是为什么我仍在学习 Photoshop 并每天努力提高我的技能。
您应该学习 Photoshop 的原因有很多。如果您从事平面设计、网页设计或用户体验工作,学习 Photoshop 是必不可少的。无论是制作传单、小册子还是电子邮件时事通讯,都需要了解 Photoshop 来优化和修饰图像。
1. Photoshop 可以帮你找工作
对于刚进入职场的人来说,Photoshop 可以成为帮助他们找到工作的一项很棒的技能。许多工作都需要 Photoshop 技能,对于平面设计师、网页设计师或用户界面设计师等设计角色尤其如此。
2. Photoshop 可以提升你的职业生涯
如果您已经有一份工作,将 Photoshop 添加到您的技能列表中可以让您成为更有价值的员工。它允许您从事各种其他项目,并可能提供晋升机会或从事更多样化项目的能力。
3. 用 Photoshop 赚钱
使用 Photoshop 修饰图像的自由职业机会存在,或者那些愿意学习相关技能并在平面设计、网页设计、用户体验设计方面工作的人可以获得高薪的全职工作。所有这些领域都可以通过 Photoshop 技能赚钱。
4. 学习 Photoshop 很有趣
虽然学习 Photoshop 可以增加您的职业机会,但它也可以为个人带来回报。无论是使用 Photoshop 润饰图像,还是创建添加文本和图形的合成,或构建有趣的动画 GIF,您都可以通过多种方式使用 Photoshop 技能。
1. 编辑您的照片
2. 创建动作
当您为博客或 Instagram 拍摄多张照片时,您可能会发现自己以相同的方式编辑每张图片。为了避免它,您可以创建操作来为您执行此操作。当您编辑批量图像时,它们非常有用。
您可以使用 Photoshop 来编辑照片或创建彩色背景、添加线条或形状,然后添加文本。
4. 创建图像模板
您几乎每天都可以制作图像,但您不需要花费数小时来创建它们。这就是您可以在 Photoshop 中创建图像模板的原因。
7. 创建工作表和可打印文件
8. 创建信息图表
如果您希望您的帖子在社交媒体上分享,信息图表非常有用。它们在 Pinterest 上非常受欢迎,因为垂直图像更容易查看。
9. 设计侧边栏广告
您可以使用LOGO标志或文字轻松创建博客按钮,并在其他博客上做广告。或者,如果您想在侧边栏中添加其他博客或广告,您可以使用 Photoshop 优化图像并使它们适合您的侧边栏。
10. 创建照片处理
Photoshop 以照片处理而闻名。你可以发挥你的想象力,创造超现实主义的图像,或者你可以将一张不太讨人喜欢的照片变成一张令人惊叹的照片。
本课程专为刚开始学习 Photoshop 的学生设计。我们将全面探索 Photoshop 界面、设置和功能。
您应该了解 Photoshop 的界面和功能,因为这将有助于您在 Photoshop 中进一步处理项目。
第 1 部分:Photoshop CC 简介
第 1 课:Photoshop 的历史
第 2 课:基本原则
第 3 课:决议
第 4 课:文件扩展名
第 5 课:设置首选项
第 6 课:如何在 photoshop 中打开 RAW 文件?
第 2 部分:初学者的 Photoshop 首选项
第 1 课:一般偏好
第 2 部分:界面首选项
第 3 课:工具首选项
第 4 课:文件处理首选项
第 5 课:性能首选项
第 6 课:暂存盘首选项
第 3 部分:开始使用 Photoshop
第 1 课:首次在 Photoshop 中创建新文档
第 2 课:首次在 Photoshop 中打开现有图像
第 3 课:在 Photoshop 中关闭图像并保存或不保存
第 4 节:学习 Photoshop 界面的一般结构
第 1 课:什么是 Photoshop 的 Canvas 区域?
第 2 课:什么是 Photoshop 的菜单栏?
第 3 课:什么是 Photoshop 的工具栏或工具面板?
第 4 课:什么是 Photoshop 的选项栏(控制面板)?
第 5 课:什么是 Photoshop 的面板?
第 6 课:什么是 Photoshop 的搜索栏?
第 7 课:什么是 Photoshop 的工作区?
第 5 部分:Photoshop 菜单栏选项
第 1 课:Photoshop 中菜单栏的 12 项
第 2 课:Photoshop 中的文件菜单
第 3 课:Photoshop 中的“编辑”菜单
第 4 课:Photoshop 中的图像菜单
第 5 课:Photoshop 中的图层菜单
第 6 课:Photoshop 中的“选择”菜单
第 7 课:Photoshop 中的“文字”菜单
第 8 课:Photoshop 中的滤镜菜单
第 9 课:Photoshop 中的分析菜单
第 10 课:Photoshop 中的 3D 菜单
第 11 课:Photoshop 中的“视图”菜单
第 12 课:Photoshop 中的窗口菜单
第 13 课:Photoshop 中的“帮助”菜单
第 6 部分:Photoshop 工具和工具栏
第 1 课:Photoshop 工具布局
第 2 课:Photoshop 中的移动和选择工具
第 3 课:Photoshop 中的裁剪和切片工具
第 4 课:Photoshop 中的测量工具
第 5 课:Photoshop 中的修饰和绘画工具
第 6 课:Photoshop 中的绘图和文字工具
第 7 课:Photoshop 中的导航工具
即使您是没有经验的初学者,也可以学习 Photoshop!
本课程非常适合从未使用过 Photoshop 的初学者
任何想要学习 Photoshop 基础知识的人
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 2.14 GB | Duration: 3h 33m
This Adobe Photoshop Course for Beginners will teach you How to use Photoshop Like a Pro Designer
What you'll learn
Understand the fundamentals of Photoshop
All the Basics a Beginner Need to Know to Start Photoshop
History of Photoshop
Resolutions and File Extensions
Setting the Preferences
How to open RAW files in photoshop
The General Preferences
Interface Preferences
Tools Preferences
File Handling Preferences
Performance Preferences
Scratch Disks Preferences
Creating a new document in Photoshop
Opening an existing image in Photoshop
Closing images with saving or without saving it
Photoshop's Canvas area
Photoshop's Menu Bar
Photoshop's Toolbar or Tools panel
Photoshop's Options Bar
Photoshop's Panels
Photoshop's Search Bar
Photoshop's Workspace
The File menu in Photoshop
The Edit menu in Photoshop
The Image menu in Photoshop
The Layer menu in Photoshop
The Select menu in Photoshop
The Type menu in Photoshop
The Filter menu in Photoshop
The Analysis menu in Photoshop
The 3D menu in Photoshop
The View menu in Photoshop
The Window menu in Photoshop
The Help menu in Photoshop
Photoshop tools layout
Move and Selection tools in Photoshop
Crop and Slice tools in Photoshop
Measurement tools in Photoshop
Retouching and Painting tools in Photoshop
Drawing and Type tools in Photoshop
Navigation tools in Photoshop
You need a computer
Any version of Adobe Photoshop, preferably the CC (Creative Cloud) version.
No prior knowledge or experience with Photoshop is required
About the Instructor:
Hello students! My name is Viktoria and I was learning Photoshop from Beginner to Advanced by myself. It was 6 years ago when I started to learn Photoshop and until today I continue to learn it. That’s why I want to share the knowledge and skills which I have with you!
Everyone can learn and after that work in Photoshop as a professional designer. It’s easier than you think!
Why did I start to learn Photoshop?
When I decided to start my first YouTube channel. I was creating the first thumbnail for my first video and the Program which I used was Photoshop. This is how I started to learn Photoshop. I still remember that day and how hard it was for me. But I wanted to start working in Photoshop like a professional and improve my skills. That's why I am still learning Photoshop and trying to increase my skills every day.
Why do you need to learn Photoshop?
There are many reasons why you should learn Photoshop. Learning Photoshop is essential if you work in a graphic design, web design, or user experience role. Whether creating flyers, brochures, or email newsletters, there is a need to know Photoshop for optimizing and retouching images.
1. Photoshop can help you get a job
For those just entering the workforce, Photoshop can be a great skill to help them get a job. Many jobs require Photoshop skills, and this is especially true with design roles such as graphic designer, web designer, or user interface designer.
2. Photoshop can improve your career
If you already have a job, adding Photoshop to your list of skills can make you a more valuable employee. It allows you to work on a variety of additional projects and may provide opportunities for advancement or the ability to work on a more diverse set of projects.
3. Make Money with Photoshop
Freelance job opportunities exist for retouching images with Photoshop, or full-time jobs with good pay exist for those willing to learn related skills and work in graphic design, web design, UX design. All these fields make it possible to earn money with Photoshop skills.
4. Learning Photoshop is fun
While learning Photoshop can enhance your career opportunities, it can also be personally rewarding. Whether using Photoshop to retouch images, or create compositions adding text and graphics, or building a funny animated GIF, you can put Photoshop skills to use in many ways.
What will you do in Photoshop after learning it?
1. Edit your photos
Learning how to make complicated photo manipulations takes time, but it’s easy to make your photos brighter or delete spots. Not to mention that you can resize or crop them with one touch of a button.
2. Create actions
When you take many photos for your blog or Instagram, you might find yourself editing every image the same way. To avoid it you can create actions to do that for you. They are very helpful when you are editing batches of images.
3. Create images for your blog or social media
You can use Photoshop to edit a photo or create a colorful background, add lines or shapes, and then add text.
4. Create image templates
You can make images almost every day, but you don’t need to spend hours creating them. That’s why you can create image templates in Photoshop.
5. Make mood boards or photo collages
You can use mood boards for your blog, client work, or even when you want to redecorate your home. Making photo collages using your holiday photos is also fun and easy.
6. Make website mockups
When you start a website, you often start by drawing it. It’s very easy to make website mockups and you can move things around and many changes before you start coding.
7. Create worksheets and printables
You can create worksheets and share them with your audience as a content upgrade.
8. Create infographics
Infographics are great if you want your posts to be shared on social media. They are very popular on Pinterest because vertical images are easier to view.
9. Design sidebar ads
You can easily create a blog button using your logo or text and advertise on other blogs. Or if you want to add other blogs or ads in your sidebar, you can optimize the images and make them fit your sidebar using Photoshop.
10. Create photo manipulations
Photoshop is best known for photo manipulations. You can use your imagination and create surreal images or you can transform a less than flattering photo into a stunning one.
About the course:
This course is designed specifically for students who are just starting to learn Photoshop. We will fully explore the Photoshop interface, settings, and functionality.
You should understand the interface and capabilities of Photoshop, as this will help you in further work on projects in Photoshop.
This course includes theory and practice lectures. First, we will start with the theory and basics of Photoshop. After that, we will learn how to make some projects and how to use theory basics skills in creating projects.
Plan of the course:
SECTION 1: Introduction to Photoshop CC
Lection 1: History of Photoshop
Lection 2: Basic Principles
Lection 3: Resolutions
Lection 4: File Extensions
Lection 5: Setting the Preferences
Lection 6: How to open RAW files in photoshop?
SECTION 2: Photoshop Preferences For Beginners
Lection 1: The General Preferences
Lection 2: Interface Preferences
Lection 3: Tools Preferences
Lection 4: File Handling Preferences
Lection 5: Performance Preferences
Lection 6: Scratch Disks Preferences
SECTION 3: Getting started work with Photoshop
Lection 1: Creating a new document in Photoshop for the first time
Lection 2: Opening an existing image in Photoshop for the first time
Lection 3: Closing images in Photoshop with saving or without saving it
SECTION 4: Learning General Structure of Photoshop’s interface
Lection 1: What is Photoshop's Canvas area?
Lection 2: What is Photoshop's Menu Bar?
Lection 3: What is Photoshop's Toolbar or Tools panel?
Lection 4: What is Photoshop's Options Bar (Control Panel)?
Lection 5: What are Photoshop's Panels?
Lection 6: What is Photoshop's Search Bar?
Lection 7: What is Photoshop's Workspace?
SECTION 5: Photoshop Menu Bar Options
Lection 1: 12 items of the Menu Bar in Photoshop
Lection 2: The File menu in Photoshop
Lection 3: The Edit menu in Photoshop
Lection 4: The Image menu in Photoshop
Lection 5: The Layer menu in Photoshop
Lection 6: The Select menu in Photoshop
Lection 7: The Type menu in Photoshop
Lection 8: The Filter menu in Photoshop
Lection 9: The Analysis menu in Photoshop
Lection 10: The 3D menu in Photoshop
Lection 11: The View menu in Photoshop
Lection 12: The Window menu in Photoshop
Lection 13: The Help menu in Photoshop
SECTION 6: Photoshop Tools and Toolbar
Lection 1: Photoshop tools layout
Lection 2: Move and Selection tools in Photoshop
Lection 3: Crop and Slice tools in Photoshop
Lection 4: Measurement tools in Photoshop
Lection 5: Retouching and Painting tools in Photoshop
Lection 6: Drawing and Type tools in Photoshop
Lection 7: Navigation tools in Photoshop
You can learn Photoshop even if you are a beginner with no previous experience!
Let's get started to learn PHOTOSHOP together!
Who this course is for:
This course is great for beginners who have never used Photoshop
Anyone who wants to learn the essentials of Photoshop
Beginners who just started using Photoshop and wants to improve their knowledge and skills in Photoshop
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