公司, 创意, 业务, Powerpoint, 模板, 市场营销, 广告, 代理, 促销, 未来, 经济, 会议, 技术, 现代, 公司
编号 :flato-creative-business-powerpoint-template-XK46RZ
1920(w) × 1080(h) px
从头开始创建演示幻灯片可能需要大量的劳动。从演示模板开始是有益的。它节省了时间,提供了良好的视觉设计,意味着你可以把你的时间和注意力主要花在网站的内容上演示文稿。演示文稿模板可以节省您的时间,因为它们比从头开始设计一副牌要快得多。另外,从模板开始意味着你可以把时间和注意力主要花在展示的内容上,而视觉风格已经被设计成引人入胜。通常,在使用演示模板时唯一更改的元素是颜色、排版,复制和任何视觉资产,例如照片【Creating a presentation slide from scratch can be quite labour-intensive. Starting with a presentation template is beneficial. It saves time, provides good visual design and means that you can primarily spend your time and attention on the content of your presentation.Presentation templates save you time, as they're a whole lot quicker than trying to design a deck from scratch. Also, starting with a template means that you can primarily spend your time and attention on the content of your presentation, while the visual style is already designed to be engaging.Typically, the only elements that are changed while working with a presentation template are colors, typography, copy and any visual assets such as photos for example.】
技术规范【Technical Specification】
- 4个主题颜色变化选项【4 options of themes color variation.】
- 16: 9高清宽屏幻灯片格式(1920 x 1080像素)【16:9 HD Widescreen slide format (1920 x 1080 pixels).】
- 带幻灯片母版的图像占位符【Image Placeholder with Slide Master.】
- 不需要Adobe Photoshop或任何其他图像编辑器【No need Adobe Photoshop or any other image editor.】
- 完全可编辑文本【Fully editable text.】
- RGB颜色模式【RGB color mode.】
- 拖放UI图像到屏幕模型【Drag and drop UI image to screen mockups.】
附加说明【Additional Note】
- 预览中的照片不包括在内【Photos in the preview are not included.】
- 包括矢量图形插图【Vector Shape Illustrations are included.】
- 使用的字体不包括在内,它们可以从文档文件的链接下载【Fonts used are not included, they could be dowloaded from the links on the Documentation File.】